뉴스홈 경제 정치 연예 스포츠

India rides K-Pop wave with LG Electronics

2019-07-29 14:46 | 조우현 기자 | sweetwork@mediapen.com

source=LG Electronics

[Mediapen=Liz Jo]LG Electronics and the Korean Cultural Centre India(KCCI) together held the grand finale of ‘2019 LG K-Pop India’ contest in Delhi on July 27th. 

With this contest, LG plans to spread the Korean Wave and advertise its premium audio system, Xboom.

The K-Pop contest first held in 2012 is a festival of dance and music for Indian K-pop fans. This year’s contest was the largest so far with a total of 3500 participants. 

15 teams were selected to represent their cities after passing the online submissions and regional rounds. They showed off their passion and determination at the grand finale at Talkatora Stadium located in New Delhi.

The final winner will earn the opportunity to compete in ‘Changwon K-Pop World Festival’ representing India.

In the stadium, LG Electronics opened a display booth of its premium audio system Xboom. The Indian fans experienced LG Xboom’s OneBody speakers and wireless speakers.

Mr. Kim Ki-wan, the Managing Director of LG Electronics India commented that LG will keep up its effort to let Indian customers experience LG Xboom’s premium sound.

[[Mediapen=Liz Jo]]
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